Legal notice

Company information according to Section 5 German Telemedia Act (TMG) and Sections 2,3 Service Information Obligations Ordinance (DL-InfoV) and Section 18 paragraph 2 Media State Treaty (MStV).

This website constitutes the internet presences of the following companies:

Ypsilon GmbH 

Accounting and auditing company, tax consultancy firm

Phone: +49 221 292796-0
Beethovenstr. 5-13
50674 Cologne

Registered Office of the Company: Cologne
Trade register: HRB 104257
Registered Office of the Company:Cologne
Registry Court: Cologne Local Court

Geschäftsführer: Christian Klein (WP, StB), Peter Lenz (WP), Mirko Gössing (WP, StB), Björn Hofmann (StB), Johannes Nölke (StB), Tobias Hangl (StB), Maximilian Kerndl (RA), Georg Keller (RA, StB), Stephan Lindermann (WP, StB), Dr. Martin Poggemann (RA, StB)
Accounting and auditing company, registered office: Cologne
Registry Court: Cologne, HRB 104257, VAT ID No. DE 308491871
Legal form: limited liability company  

Ypsilon Audit GmbH Wirtschaftsprüfungsgesellschaft
Tel. +49 211 54590-000
Bahnstraße 16
40212 Düsseldorf

Geschäftsführer: Peter Lenz (WP), Christian Klein (WP, StB), Stephan Lindermann (WP, StB), Mirko Gössing (WP, StB), Wolfgang von Thermann (WP, StB)
Accounting and auditing company, registered office: Düsseldorf
Registry Court: Düsseldorf, HRB 1268, VAT ID No. DE347738806
Legal form: limited liability company

Ypsilon LAW GmbH Rechtsanwaltsgesellschaft
Phone: +49 221 292796-0
Beethovenstr. 5-13
50674 Cologne

Geschäftsführer: Maximilian Kerndl (RA), Georg Keller (RA, StB), Dr. Martin Poggemann (RA, StB), Dr. Stephan Bellin (RA, StB)
Law firm, registered office: Registry Court: Cologne, HRB 94766, VAT ID No. DE 119496714
Legal form: limited liability company

The contents of the publications and other information available on this page are the responsibility of:
Maximilian Kerndl
Beethovenstr. 5-13
50674 Cologne

Competent supervisory authority

  • Rechtsanwaltskammer Köln, Riehler Straße 30, 50668 Cologne
  • Wirtschaftsprüferkammer KdöR (Rauchstraße 26, 10787 Berlin
  • Steuerberaterkammer Köln, Gereonstraße 34, 50670 Cologne
All tax advisors are appointed in the Federal Republic of Germany.
All lawyers are registered in the Federal Republic of Germany.
All auditors are registered in the Federal Republic of Germany.
The tax advisors’ professional regulations are the Tax Consulting Act (StBerG), the Implementing Regulation of the Tax Consulting Act (DVSTB), the Professional Code for Tax Advisers (BoStB) and the Compensation Regulation for Tax Advisers (StBVV). On the website of the German Federal Chamber of Tax Consultants the professional regulations in their current version can be viewed.
The professional regulations of lawyers are the Federal Lawyers Act (BRAO), the Professional Code for Lawyers (BORA), the Specialist Lawyers’ Code (FAO), the Lawyers’ Fees Act (RVG), the Legal Services Act (RDG) and the Professional Regulations of Lawyers in the European Union. On the website of the Bundesrechtsanwaltskammer [Federal Bar Association] the professional regulations in their current version can be viewed.
The professional regulations of auditors are the Code of Auditors (WPO), the Professional Regulations for Auditors/Certified Accountants (BS WP/vBP), the Statutes for Quality Control, the Professional Accountants Insurance Regulation (WPBHV); these can be viewed at
The professional liability insurance is with VSW Die Versicherergemeinschaft für Steuerberater und Wirtschaftsprüfer, Dotzheimer Str. 23, 65185 Wiesbaden. The geographical scope of the insurance cover includes services at least in the member states of the European Union and meets at least the requirements of Section 54 of the Code of Auditors (WPO) in conjunction with the Ordinance on Professional Liability Insurance for Auditors and Sworn Auditors as well as Section 67 of the Tax Consulting Act (StBerG), Sections 51 et seq. Ordinance on the Implementation of the Regulations on Tax Consultants, Tax Agents and Tax Consultancy Companies (DVStB) and Section 51, Section 51a of the Federal Lawyers Act (BRAO).

General obligation to provide information pursuant to Section 36 Consumer Protection Act

ZThe competent consumer arbitration body in Germany for property disputes arising from a mandate relationship is the arbitration board of the chamber of lawyers, Neue Grünstraße 17, 10179 Berlin,

Exclusion of Liability

On this website you will find information of a general nature. This is neither intended to nor suitable for replacing individual advice by competent persons, taking into account the specific circumstances of each individual case. We have taken the utmost care in its compilation. However, we cannot accept any liability whatsoever for its accuracy, topicality and completeness. For more detailed and individual information, please contact us.

Furthermore, we assume no liability for the content of external websites to which this website refers directly or indirectly via hyperlinks and over which we have no influence.


  • Steuerberater
  • Diplom-Betriebswirt (FH)


  • Deutsch
  • Englisch

Als Spezialist für geschlossene Fondsstrukturen berät Tobias Initiatoren von Private-Equity- und Immobilien-Fonds in allen Fragen des Steuerrechts.

Ausbildung & Karriere

Vor seiner Tätigkeit bei Ypsilon gründete Tobias die Millennium Partners mit Schwerpunkt geschlossene Fondsstrukturen, die sich im Januar 2024 der Ypsilon-Gruppe angeschlossen hat. Zuvor arbeitete er als Steuerberater für mehrere mittelgroße, international geprägte Kanzleien wie optegra, Vistra sowie Acconsis als Director und Geschäftsführer.

Alternative Investments

Sustainability ESG

Our interdisciplinary team from the areas of tax consulting, auditing and business consulting supports you in understanding and implementing the legal ESG requirements with regard to ESG, CSRD and NFRD. Our approach is thorough: We conduct an in-depth analysis of your business processes and structures to develop a strategy that enables you to optimally meet the legal requirements.

  • The audit or preparation of sustainability reports and compliance with the disclosure regulation in accordance with current EU guidelines and the requirements of the European Financial Reporting Advisory Group (EFRAG frameworks)
  • “Ready for 2025” sustainability check: We ensure that your company meets the sustainability requirements for 2025 and beyond.
  • GAP analysis of GRI, DNK, CSRD, NFRD: We identify potential gaps in your current reporting and offer recommendations to close them.
  • SFDR compliance: We support you in complying with SFDR through comprehensive advice and audit.
  • ESG integration: We help you integrate ESG factors into your business strategy and practices.
  • Audit and support in the development of KPIs and reports as well as controlling structures and processes: We analyze your existing structures and support you in their improvement.
Do you have any questions on the subject?
Please contact us.

Corporate & Private Wealth

Payroll Tax Consulting

The importance of payroll tax for companies stems, among other things, from the fact that in collecting payroll tax as one of the most important sources of tax of all (more than EUR 200 billion per year), the Treasury uses companies themselves as agents.Ostensibly, payroll tax appears to be a mere tax on the employee, which the company “only” withholds and transfers to the tax office. However, this is not the case if we take a closer look, as the company is significantly affected. Indeed, not only do companies have to carry out an immense administrative burden, which is not free of charge, when withholding and paying payroll tax, but they are also liable when mistakes are made. The result of all this is that payroll tax is increasingly becoming a kind of corporate tax. Targeted strategic and operational payroll tax advice helps companies to minimize tax and administrative burdens.

Moreover, payroll tax has repeatedly proved to be contentious, but this is not surprising on closer inspection. Tax arrears often place a considerable burden on companies, are always untimely and are therefore difficult to calculate. Many companies have no choice but to fight with the tax authorities or in court for their right to do so. In addition, tax authorities are increasingly making criminal tax allegations, making contentious disputes inevitable.

  • Procedural know-how is used to
  • conduct negotiations for companies with financial authorities
  • request appeal information
  • conduct opposition proceedings
  • conduct appeals before the tax court
  • represent companies before the Federal Fiscal Court

In day-to-day business, payroll tax advice is available by telephone and email. Through short communication channels, companies receive quick and up-to-date answers to operational payroll tax questions and concrete proposals for action as well as brief feedback on their own work results.

Strategic payroll tax issues are worked out in detail in writing and are intensively discussed in a personal interview. Practical assessments of complex individual topics are the main focus and are reflected in expert opinions.

Strategic and operational payroll tax advice creates added value for companies by

  • supporting departments on strategic payroll tax issues and day-to-day business issues
  • helping to assess fiscal risks
  • reducing administrative overhead
  • sparring when checking work results
  • helping achieve quick responses to legal changes
  • preventing tax risks (compliance) and heavy additional demands at payroll tax audits
  • improving the organizational and process structure
  • providing support in disputes with the tax administration, financial courts and the Federal Fiscal Court
Do you have any questions on the subject?
Please contact us.

Alternative Investments


Smart audit – our solutions for your success
  • Annual audits (HGB)
  • Audits of the consolidated financial statements (HGB, IFRS)
  • BaFin audits (KAGB, KWG, WpIG, ZAG, VermAnlG)
  • Audits according to the Securities Trading Act (WpHG), the Financial Assets brokerage Ordinance (FinVermV) and the Broker and Developer Ordinance (MaBV)
  • Annual audit of investment assets (AIF/UCITS)
  • Audit of internal control systems according to IDW PS 951, ISAE 3402 and SSAE 16
  • Evaluation reports/reviews/plausibility reports for investments according to IPEV, IDW-S1
  • Due diligence
  • Audit of asset-backed securities transactions
  • Audit of KIDs and brochures according to IDW S4
  • Audit of sales documentation for conformity with Section 63 para. 6 WpHG
Do you have any questions on the subject?
Please contact us.

Alternative Investments

Administration & Outsourcing

Effective interfaces create added value
  • Investor management/support
  • Preparation/sending of tax result notices
  • Capital calls and distributions
  • Compliance with regulatory requirements such as reporting under the Bundesbank Act or fulfilment of ESMA reporting obligations
  • Subscription process support (KYC/AML)
  • Appointment of a money laundering officer – from establishment to the annual report
  • Appointment of a compliance officer – from the risk/needs analysis to the annual report
  • FATCA/CRS classification and registration of legal entities
  • Fiduciary activity
  • Payment processing
  • Creation of organization manuals/policies/guidelines
Do you have any questions on the subject?
Please contact us.

Alternative Investments


The engine room for every investment
  • Ongoing financial accounting in accordance with German Commercial Code (Handelsgesetzbuch, or HGB) with up to 3 accounting groups (HGB/KARBV/tax law)
  • Preparation of VAT advance declarations
  • Submission of quarterly reports (balance sheets, income statement, capital accounts and cash flow statement) for reporting purposes
  • Preparation of financial statements in accordance with HGB, and KAGB/KARBV and notes
  • Preparation and transmission of the e-balance sheet to the tax authorities and implementation of the annual disclosure of the financial statements required by law
  • Communication with external auditors and coordination of the audit process
  • Monitoring of accounting and balance sheet regulations
Do you have any questions on the subject?
Please contact us.

Alternative Investments


Reducing risk through tax compliance
  • Preparation of tax returns
  • Preparation of tax statement on excess of receipts over expenses incl. reconciliation of balance sheet for tax purposes/statement on excess of receipts over expenses for asset management funds
  • Distribution of the tax results among the participants and management of the capital accounts
  • Preparation of supplementary and special balance sheets incl. supplementary and special income statement
  • Support in the context of external/tax audits
  • Advice and representation in extra-judicial appeal procedures and in tax court and auditing proceedings
  • Ongoing tax advice and preparation of written reports
  • Tax due diligence
  • Reimbursement/reduction of withholding tax
  • FATCA/CRS messages
Do you have any questions on the subject?
Please contact us.

Alternative Investments

onception& transactions

Integral part of any investment strategy
  • Tax structuring
  • Second Opinion
  • Formation of companies
  • Preparatory advice for license applications at BaFin
  • Tax transaction consulting
  • Preparation for exit at portfolio companies
  • Assumption of management functions
  • Domiciling and trust relationships
Do you have any questions on the subject?
Please contact us.

Financial Services

Sustainability ESG

Our interdisciplinary team from the areas of tax consulting, auditing and business consulting supports you in understanding and implementing the legal ESG requirements with regard to ESG, CSRD and NFRD. Our approach is thorough: We conduct an in-depth analysis of your business processes and structures to develop a strategy that enables you to optimally meet the legal requirements.
  • The audit or preparation of sustainability reports and compliance with the disclosure regulation in accordance with current EU guidelines and the requirements of the European Financial Reporting Advisory Group (EFRAG frameworks)
  • “Ready for 2025” sustainability check: We ensure that your company meets the sustainability requirements for 2025 and beyond.
  • GAP analysis of GRI, DNK, CSRD, NFRD: We identify potential gaps in your current reporting and offer recommendations to close them.
  • SFDR compliance: We support you in complying with SFDR through comprehensive advice and audit.
  • ESG integration: We help you integrate ESG factors into your business strategy and practices.
  • Audit and support in the development of KPIs and reports as well as controlling structures and processes: We analyze your existing structures and support you in their further development.
Do you have any questions on the subject?
Please contact us.

Financial Services


We assume the functions as compliance officer according to Article 22 MiFID II-DVO/MaRisk/KAMaRisk for regulated companies and give you the necessary security regarding the implementation of the regulatory requirements.
  • Assuming and fulfilling the ongoing compliance function, in particular the position of a technically qualified compliance officer and/or deputy
  • Outsourcing of reporting, internal audit, money laundering function and data protection
  • Target-actual analysis of internal guidelines, documentation and the laws to be observed by the company, as well as compliance management processes that have already been implemented, if applicable. Summary of these analysis results in a report to senior management
  • Monitoring of compliance with the relevant laws (parameters of the company’s legal inventory)
  • Developing and implementing an effective compliance management system (CMS)
  • Developing a training concept and/or implementing training courses for those responsible under compliance and supervisory aspects
  • Advice and regular reporting to management
  • Communication with staff and supervisory authorities
  • Risk-oriented control of selected processes at appropriate intervals for their compliance conformity
Do you have any questions on the subject?
Please contact us.

Financial Services


  • Regulatory advice on KWG/WpHG/KAGB/ZAG compliance
  • Design/implementation of supervisory and organizational requirements as well as process design and optimization
  • Accompanying approval and registration procedures according to Section 32 KWG, Section 16 WPIG, Section 10 ZAG and Section 20 KAGB
Do you have any questions on the subject?
Please contact us.

Financial Services


  • Audits in accordance with the German Banking Act (Kreditwesengesetz,or KWG)
  • Audits in accordance with the German Securities Trading Act (Wertpapierhandelsgesetz, or WpHG)
  • Audits in accordance with the German Investment Code (Kapitalanlagegesetzbuch, or KAGB)
  • Audits in accordance with the German Payment Services Oversight Act (Zahlungsdiensteaufsichtsgesetz, or ZAG)/li>
  • Audits of institutes in accordance with KWG, WpHG, KAGB, ZAG
Do you have any questions on the subject?
Please contact us.

Corporate & Private Wealth

International Expansion


Companies based outside Germany that are expanding into Germany are guided by us through the administrative and legal requirements in all expansion phases. From hiring only one employee, to setting up a branch or subsidiary, to merging, selling or liquidating, we provide advice and assistance at all stages.

  • Company tax registration
  • Establishing financial and payroll bookkeeping systems
  • Preparation of current monthly, quarterly and financial statements in accordance with German and/or international accounting standards
  • Reporting to the parent company
  • Ongoing tax assistance
  • Design and documentation of transfer pricing for tax purposes
  • Tax optimization of the foreign parent company
  • Applications for exemption from withholding tax

We accompany companies across borders and act as an interface with foreign consultants, service partners or other contact persons. Based on our many years of experience with companies coming to Germany from abroad, we know that “simple” things are complicated across borders. We bring this experience to the table when we support domestic companies in their expansion beyond Germany’s borders.

Do you have any questions on the subject?
Please contact us.

Corporate & Private Wealth

Management consulting

We offer solutions around the topics of restructuring, digitization, executive and team coaching and other transformation projects. By working together with us, you can be sure that your company not only meets current requirements, but is also prepared for what the future brings.

We believe that the issue of sustainability is fundamentally more than just compliance with legal requirements. The ESG criteria are good basic principles for responsible, smart and forward-looking corporate management and ensuring a healthy and sustainable life. The art is to integrate these principles in a meaningful, sensible and goal-oriented way.

The challenge of transformation lies in creating acceptance and commitment among all stakeholders and in agreeing on economic and sustainable goals of the company.

Do you have any questions on the subject?
Please contact us.

Corporate & Private Wealth

Legal Advice

We are at your disposal for all legal questions. However, our focus is on business-related areas of law, in particular business law. Of course, tax law aspects are always taken into account. We accompany you from the establishment of a company, the choice of the right legal form, through the design or adaptation of company contracts, the drafting of employment contracts, right through to the planning and legal implementation of restructuring.

In specific areas such as patent law, industrial property rights, antitrust law, etc., we work with specialized cooperation partners in Germany and abroad.

Private-law mediation can help resolve long and costly conflicts. As experienced associates, we support the parties with targeted communication and structured procedures on the way to amicable conflict resolution in compliance with professional and methodological standards. Particularly in the case of family matters such as inheritance disputes or separation of marriages, individual solutions can thus often be found that are accepted by all involved.

Do you have any questions on the subject?
Please contact us.

Corporate & Private Wealth

Wages and salaries

  • Payroll setup
  • Monthly payroll accounting
  • Production of payroll tax returns and proof of contribution
  • Setup of a monthly wage payment list
  • Registration and de-registration of employees with social security institutions
  • Issue of proof of earnings certificates
  • Professional association certificates
  • Processing of applications for continued payment of salaries and in the case of illness
  • Expat income tax returns
Do you have any questions on the subject?
Please contact us.

Corporate & Private Wealth


As modern auditors, we offer you more than just an audit of your accounting system. Comprehensive, high-quality and forward-looking services in auditing must always also meet the demand for added value for the client: from brainstorming in difficult decision-making situations through investment analyses to audit services for voluntary or statutory financial statements.

Take advantage of our diversity and our independent feedback to achieve maximum security for your business decisions.

  • Audit of consolidated and separate financial statements
  • Financial & tax due diligence
  • Compilation of event-related company assessments according to generally accepted standards
  • Preparation of business valuation according to IDW standards
Do you have any questions on the subject?
Please contact us.

Corporate & Private Wealth


Accounting is the numerical backbone of a company. The information required for the management of the company is obtained here and the financial statements required under commercial and tax law are compiled on the basis of this information and data.

  • Establishment and compilation of current financial accounting (DATEV)
  • Preparation of VAT advance declarations
  • Budgeting
  • Business controlling analyses
  • Preparation of monthly or quarterly financial statements
  • Preparation of financial statements or interim financial statements

As an outsourcing partner, we take over partial areas or the entire accounting system, including payment transactions, dunning and management reports for our customers. In doing so, we integrate ourselves in the best possible way into the processes of your company up to integration into your accounting systems such as SAP, Navision, EXACT Online, SAGE, Addison, etc.

Do you have any questions on the subject?
Please contact us.

Corporate & Private Wealth


Our experience and specializations enable tailor-made tax advice. Consulting and preparation of tax returns are carried out under continuous coordination regarding risk assessment, obligations and monitoring of deadlines.

Of course, our tasks also include the monitoring of audits, tax law enforcement as well as the coordination of foreign tax advisors and the necessary FATCA/CRS compliance. Complex questions about inheritances or wills, succession regulations and gifts as well as general international tax law are also among our core competencies.

The interaction of German and foreign tax laws determines the setting of transfer prices for tax purposes; here, our tax advisors support you in the preparation of the transfer price documentation.

Do you have any questions on the subject?
Please contact us.